Bee Strong Bee Manchester
A West Yorkshire Year 9 student, Millie Fraser, wanted to do something to raise money and show support to the victims of last month’s Manchester bombings. Millie had the idea of making Bee pin badges (the symbol of Manchester), and with the help the Art Teacher Megan Needham at her school in Rishworth, near Halifax, laser cut and produced 30 Perspex® Acrylic badges which she sold within an hour of being made.
With many more requests for badges, Millie’s mum Kim soon contacted local businesses for help and a local laser cutting machine supplier, HPC Laser, quickly offered to cut a new batch of 5000 yellow Perspex® acrylic Bee shapes using their industrial lasers. With the help of family and friends this second batch was promptly produced and almost all Bees have already been sold with over £15,000 raised for the Manchester Red Cross appeal.
We spoke to Kim today who had a lined up dedicated team of 40 family and friends to help make a fresh batch of badges to keep up with the extraordinary demand as their campaign continues to grow on social media.
The Bee badges are now being distributed by over 40 local businesses including high street chains and the emergency services for a donation of £5 or more.
Perspex Distribution have been happy to supply more yellow Perspex® acrylic to the campaign to as the team try to keep up with demand as they have high hopes to double their fundraising total in the near future.
Please visit their Facebook campaign page @BeeStrongBeeManchester which will continue to be updated with their latest campaign news and badge distribution points.

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